Chapter IV

Light and Space Waves

the waves of Space
Light and other uses

4.1 - Disturbances of electrons from the Ether of Space,
4.2 - Disturbances Independence,
4.3 - The waves from space,
4,4 - Their Qualities,
4,5 - The Photon,
4,6 - Lighting, Pictures and Sight,
4,7 - Other Phenomena

April 2016

4,1 - Electrons Disturbances in Space Ether

We saw in the previous chapter that, upon binding, electrons could not develop fully. The volume of new compound is lower than the aggregate of its components.

This causes various phenomena, some of which have been studied in chapter III, such as internal gravity, the gravitic clouds and increased thermic agitation. It also creates a disturbance in the arrangement of electrons in the Ether of space.

Here we take the latter phenomenon.

Reducing the volume of compounds with respect to individual components, could create a vacuum in space.

This vacuum is unacceptable and neighbouring electrons automatically change their movements - encouraged by their vibrations - to prevent this vacuum.

As soon as the volume of these volume reductions is "sufficient" in a specific place, neighbouring electrons are moving to this place as possible empty.

It is a "negative" movement, to a specific place.

    1. In ongoing studies on the behaviour of sound waves, teams of researchers in Pays, Bordeaux and Winnipeg in Canada were surprised by a phenomenon that had already been observed in 2001 in "electromagnetic" waves and microwaves. It had not been explained:

    2. Out of the researchers text, we read: "The material developed in Bordeaux provides, in addition, another remarkable property: the waves are progressing backwards. The sound, a sound wave, even has its energy spread from the source to the receiver, but the oscillations which it is made, are propagated in opposite direction. Experts speak of "negative velocity phase".

These observations may be a validation of our theory of an environment disturbance waves.

And, going further, our whole theory of Électronisme.

The elements of the environment, from all around, are too many and turned immediately to the outside where the same phenomenon occurs.

    1. Upon their departure, they were replaced by electrons around. There are still very short accumulation around, a little further.

    2. The phenomenon is repeated without interruption until the end of the environment concerned, where it then lack of elements of the environment and the phenomenon stops.

  1. These displacements, negative, and "normal" are carried out at the speed of the vibration expansion movements of the electrons, everywhere, even in the materials of the space objects where still exist Ether electrons.

So that speed is always the same in space.

    1. We will see later that it is the speed of light.

These disturbances of space electrons, with their accumulation that moves, are not visible to us, but ALL living things feel them unconsciously.

4.2 - Independence of disturbances

We have seen in previous chapters, that according to the operating rules of electrons, all events in the universe are randomly done and are not related to each other. This is the case of the first entanglement electrons into space to form disturbances.

These disturbances are all independent of each other. So are the waves we observe.

This is an important phenomenon that explains that the waves never interfere with others.

All actions of the waves-disturbances are independent both in space in general, than for materials, especially with the internal space of living beings, as explained in Chapter VI, for the transfer of information through their nervous system.

This does not preclude that similar phenomena are realized in limited areas of very variable dimensions.

Our quality of living being has accustomed us to accept them as different perceptions of almost similar phenomena.

4.3 - Waves of space

  1. So we know that a phenomenon exists in space: the disruption of the arrangement of electrons in the Ether of space. We cannot see them, but they are noticed by some of the senses of all living beings.

    1. We will see in chapter VI that are mainly of touch and vision.

  2. These senses do not allow us to understand them properly, because the events are too fast and too numerous.

We only perceive as a picture which brings to our senses, the most important features of these events:

    1. - Number of events in a given period, That is to say the frequency of such events,

    2. - Dimension of the elements, i.e., their amplitude.

This is a wave or a waves train which move very rapidly to the end of the concerned environment.

To our senses, and adapted material, the wave is characteristic of the event that formed and lasts more or less time. For light, for example, this may be the time of a spark or flame of a candle, or millions or billions years of the brightness of a star.

Other events may cause waves in space at different frequencies, radio, odours, etc.

Since the 19th century, scientists have explained the so-called electromagnetic waves, including light, as analogous to the ripples on a pond when a stone is thrown, and sounds in the air.

So they knew that waves require a concrete environment.

The waves on a pond have never been explained.

They are directly related to disturbances created in the liquid medium, by a pebble thrown into it.

The pebble slips into the water of the pond and could create a vacuum of "water" if the void was warned by the rapid movement of quantum of water all around, as we have explained above for the electrons of space. The elements that move to the place of empty can are higher than necessary. They are turned back immediately. The phenomenon is repeated constantly.

This creates a wave accumulation that seems to move away, around the base, always at the same speed which is that of the movement of quantum of water in their liquid environment.

The total amount of water displaced, on a very large distance, can be much greater than the volume of the thrown stone.

It is the shifting of the stone in the water, at a certain speed, which creates a wave in the pond; if it is slowly put, the water is not disturbed, there are no wavelets.

    1. If the pond has a certain depth the stone can cause several waves.

    2. A handful of small stones can cause waves that we perceive as a momentary wave.

We find this function in tsunami. It is a very special event to which Japanese fishermen have given a name that means "harbour wave". On their way home, they found it destroyed by a massive or very massive short-term increase of the level of the water, though the weather was calm and could not explain such disaster.

  1. Tsunami is a particular wave by its way of creation.

During a sea or ocean earthquake, the sudden collapse of tectonic plates create in the body of water, a vacuum which cannot exist.

To prevent this, the "quanta" of water all around move towards the collapsed area, and others follow to fill the new holes by their movements, and so on until the end of the ocean.

That’s how accumulations of water are formed, instantaneous, successive, similar, of the same height, which come one after the other and get away from the event, to the end of the ocean, at the speed of movements of quanta of water in their fluid medium.

The arrival of a tsunami on the coasts, even thousands miles from the starting point of the wave, is always and everywhere preceded by a slight decrease in the level of the ocean. This is the negative displacement observed by researchers of Bordeaux.

The accumulation waves height is the same near the scene of the collapse of tectonic plates, and at the end of the ocean, far away all around, and consequently with a displaced volume of water which is generally much larger than that of the collapsed area.

The arrival of the tsunami at the « end » of the sea stops the phenomenon due to that no more quanta of matter exists that would maintain the moving accumulation.

Thus, on coasts, tsunamis stop without force to push waves on; any provoked damage is due only to the natural sagging of the wave that stops and disasters are more or less massive depending on the topography of the coast and the presence of people.

    1. Not all great waves are tsunamis, many are not, such as rogue waves and those, huge, created by major collapses in the ocean of glaciers and cliffs, or those formed by surface winds and sea swell. The current huge subsidence of Arctic and Antarctic polar cap ice sheets have never created a tsunami.

      1. In July 2012, experts said they had discovered why the earthquake of magnitude 8.6, off the coast of Indonesia, on 11 April 2012, did not create the predicted tsunami. The movement of tectonic plates was supposed to have been slow and horizontal, contrary to the usual vertical movements.

  1. In modern physics, there is no understandable explanation of the so-called electromagnetic waves.

We find everywhere the same definition: it is "the spread of a perturbation producing on its passage a reversible variation of local physical properties of its medium. It moves with a certain speed which depends on the characteristics of the propagation medium. A wave carries energy without transporting any matter. "(Wikipedia French Version).

All this corresponds to the observations, but it lacks many explanations:

    1. The word "disturbance" can be translated as "disorder in a mechanism." Thus, it is necessary to know the disorder and the mechanism or environment.

    2. "Reversible variation" of physical properties: therefore there is a real provisional modification of the "medium", which is recognisable by its "physical properties".

      1. This confirms the existence of the Ether of space.

Furthermore, it is surprising that since the 18th century, particles have been considered to possess a frequency, with no indication of its nature, and without physicists considering this, until Louis de Broglie attributed to them the singularity of being both wave and particle at the same time. He gave no explanation of this physical phenomenon, while countless mathematical developments were leading to quantum mechanics and the theory of the Standard Model that has never shown how to created matter.

The wave-particle duality is used only in this physics, with misleading explanations, such as the metaphor of the cylinder which is nothing but a special case of the normal observation of a three dimensional object.

After Newton, different physicists, in particular, Huygens, Fresnel and Hertz, were interested in the variations of light, seen as a wave in space and matter of our planet.

Maxwell and Lorentz have likened to electromagnetic phenomena that have never been seriously analyzed and explained.

Depending on the quality of the waves, especially their frequency, contact with other objects can simply bypass more or less obstacles; thus say the waves radios have different behaviour depending on their wavelength and the environment.

    1. This is also the explanation of phenomena called "gravitational lenses" that can "receive" bundled information from an object whose wave disturbances bypass an obstacle, which in this case may be an entire galaxy.

Considering the limits of the frequency changes, we have on the one hand very fast disturbances of compounds radiation at the same speed as disturbance of space. They merge to form X-ray, gamma and others.

On the other side, to a minimum of disturbances, the intricacies are infrequent. This is the case of all those at the beginning of the formation of objects in nebulae, at the very low temperature of space and all changes, insensitive or barely perceptible in the field of our planet.

    1. At a certain frequency of electron compounds creation, in a given area of​a nebula where matter is formed, the "radio" waves could signal us with suitable receiving equipment, the beginning of the formation of protostars.

    2. This is a possible explanation of the "background noise", discovered by Penzias and Wilson in 1964, which was recovered by the Standard Model of cosmology and designated as the "cosmic microwave background", which has no reasonable explanation.

4,4 - Waves qualities

Physicists know how to represent waves of all disturbances of space objects, and those of so-called empty space. They can establish their observation spectra.

Newton was the first scientist to use light diffusion to study different types of waves.

In the following centuries, spectrometry was applied to all the waves of space and all the materials in different environments. They were distinguished by their wavelength or the frequency of their disturbances.

The researchers observed that the speed of their movement is invariable in a given environment, the "vacuum" of space for example. It is almost the same in objects, because the disturbances concern the space itself, Ether, which also exists in all objects.

Spectrography of the set of all the waves shown in each category of disturbances and their environment, a dimming frequency from the very low (high or very high wavelengths), to very fast.

    1. A specific part of them is considered to be waves of light, and they are not different from others, but some living beings know how to use them.

    2. They have never been considered dangerous. There is no reason to think that those of phone could be. There are the "electric shocks" in the atmosphere too close to them that would be harmful to users of mobile phones.

Waves of space have the same behaviour everywhere, which depend only on the frequency of the disturbances.

These manifestations are especially studied for waves of light: reflection and refraction, diffusion, diffraction and absorption, but they exist for all wave types, from those at very low frequency radio waves, to the ultraviolet waves that mix with the radiation of particles.

For all the phenomena explained above, the movement speed of disturbances correspond to those of the movements of the quanta composing their material in the material itself. It therefore varies with this material.

    1. This is how human beings can recognise the quality of the material of the Earth's crust by observing the speed of the travelling movement of a shock wave from an explosion-disturbance in the matter to study.

For space waves, the travel speed of disturbances and those of the cells constituting their waves, corresponds to the speed of the expansion movement of electrons.

In Universe, it is the only invariable speed.

In a given medium, all waves have the same amplitude, because they are always and only due to movement of medium quanta, like electron in space: this amplitude is close to the diameter of an electron, that is to say an attometer, a millionth of a billionth of a millimetre.

This low amplitude and the extremely high speed of movement of all disturbances, allows for some overlapping or encounters of disturbances without significantly changing them.

The frequency of electron entanglements gives the frequency of intricacies of disturbances and is never regular because creations and modifications of compounds are always random.

Space objects are in a state of permanent modification with (relatively) many electron intricacies. Disturbances are therefore generally numerous in specific areas, and spread more or less over time. That is the reason why stars send, for a long time, in the space that surrounds them, perturbations due to the entanglement of electrons in their periphery, at frequencies that make them visible to us.

We receive those of our star, the Sun.

4,5 - The Photon

In the early 20th century, Einstein, Planck and de Broglie invent the photon, light particle, which would be simultaneously wave and particle, then declares that all elementary particles - and others - have the same duality and invents the wave function which has never been explained, except by the proponents of quantum mechanics. Their explanations are difficult to understand.

As a result of these proposals, the photon, which should be the size of an electron, is handled, used without reservation by physicists, with the qualities they need.

In current physics, the photon would be created from naught - in an uninterrupted manner to provide all information that we perceive - wherever it appears necessary. Its qualities are not constant, with low or high power, low mass or not. Current physicists still discussing its mass, possibilities of action and life and the reasons for its occurrence and disappearance in structures to understand.

There is no explanation for their transfer to "electromagnetic waves", including light, and used by living things for light and images.

4,6 - Lighting, Pictures and Sight

Light does not exist in the Universe.

If this entity - which is not a substance - was continually manifested everywhere, why and how it would move and what would correspond our nights?

    1. For us, on Earth, the space is black, out of the light sent by our Sun. If it did not, our telescopes could not observe the very few light coming from remote stars.

Light is a particular phenomena known to everybody, because it is always there, around us, as if it were part of ourselves or part of the Universe…

Then, surprisingly, there is no study of its origin, the reason why it is there or the usefulness of its presence, the quality of its substance, if it has one, the way it moves and how it "brings" to us images of objects we watch.

The "Fiat Lux" of the big bang dates back from a speech of Pope Pius XII in 1954. Before that date, Georges Lemaître had explained with his theory of the original atom that light existed in the Universe as if it could not be otherwise… except, according to Gamow, at some particular times… during which it would "decide" to be or not to be. Gamow did not mention it any more: light is there and that's it.

Like for all scientists of earlier centuries. And for cosmologists nowadays.

Its speed is considered a fundamental constant of the Universe without explaining the reasons.

Its speed is constant only in a vacuum it is said, but in the "official" theory it is not well known what a vacuum in the Universe is.

Some documents indicate that Einstein gave light this character of invariable and unsurpassable speed. This does not seem right: Einstein used it because its qualities were known to him and he needed them for his theory of relativity.

But neither Einstein nor previous physicists have explained why it had these qualities, in particular that of constant speed.

Living beings on Earth have used some phenomena of their environment to facilitate their way of living. They know how to use the waves of space in different ways that we still do not know well.

Some beings have developed tools to use those disturbance waves at very rapid frequencies. We know especially those of human beings and other organised animals. These are eyes and sight.

    1. The sense of touch is also involved, permanently, both for individual beings equipped with organs like eyes than others, for example in the plant kingdom.

We are not sensitive to the space disturbances separetly, due to that their frequencies are too high, but the sensitives nervous organs are able to differentiate them according to those they receive.

The information gathered by the eyes are interpreted by the nervous reflexes and memory apparent locations for making us images of objects, more or less detailed, without distinguishing all the information provided by the waves.

We see and recognize objects that we have already seen.

In our environment on Earth, electrons of the disturbances meet small compounds which absorb few of them, reflect other and after numerous reflections, reach our visual systems which create a particular environment called light.

The rays of what is remaining of this light, and other most direct, reached the objects of our immediate environment, on which they are reflected and diffused, or refracted and partially absorbed, according to the shape and the matter of objects. They absorb more or less easily electrons according to disturbances frequency.

The «lightning» waves reaching our eyes are only those which have been modified by the objects we look at. The quality of their surface determines the colour of the objects due to the light they receive and send us back.

The colour and objects shape, their matter quality are visible only by that is remaining in the modified receive rays of light.

    1. The remaining electrons change, by links, small proteins dendrites of the senses of beings who are sensitive. See chapter VI.

    2. Below a certain frequency, our eyes are no more able to perceive the luminous rays. Above we are dazzled, or even injured.

    3. In case of lack or reduce ambient light, our eyes can be sensitive to remote rays, according to their strength or what is remaining when they reach to us. Thus, we do not see easily a candle in the bottom of the garden, but the light of some big stars can reach to us from distances greater than tens of billions light years.

The quality of the vision depends of the functioning of the living beings. All of them have their particular mean to register and interpret the parts of the objects they are looking for.

Certain livings beings recognise disturbances at frequencies different of those used for sight or radio. They are able to see environment at their means, and have at their disposal marks invisible for us.

4,7 - Other Phenomena

Electrons of disturbances remain electrons of the Ether of space and are likely to entangle with one another. That is how under certain conditions, in the motion zone of the wave, the same phenomena can take place like elsewhere in the space void of objects.

The electrons of the waves entangle them with other free or already participant of compounds and objects. The disturbance disappears, absorbed for the creation or modification of a compound.

Thus the wave interference of light from distant stars gradually diminish in number. Absorption takes place as a function of frequencies; the strongest disruptions are absorbed first, due to a largest number of entanglements in a given time.

The remaining waves are therefore formed of frequencies which are closer to those of infra-red and thus indicate the age or distance from the source of disturbance of waves, this is the explanation of the shifting towards the red area of the spectrum, the "redshift". Its quality allows astronomers to calculate our distance from the source of observed light.

The disturbances built by bounding and fusion of compounds in the core of the stars are not visible for us, because their frequency is too high.

We cannot see them, therefore the matter of these objects is black for us.

We can see only the peripheral part of the stars, between the core and the areas where start the stellar winds which are going away.

We use to call black or dark all the objects and other structures which we know they are existing and we cannot watch them because they do not create space disturbances at the frequencies giving waves called luminous.

That concerns practically all the space objects, out of the stars during their principal sequence. The time of the succession of the different objects after the stars should be very long. Then, after billions or tens of billions of years, the elements are visible to us in the nebula when the frequency of the electrons entanglements, and the created disturbances matches the speed giving luminous waves.

Photovoltaics is a technic used by human beings to retrieve electrons from disturbances from so called light waves and turn them into electric current.

In order to achieve this, they use a variety of materials, some of which are called semiconductors. Their components have the capacity to bind relatively easily with free electrons (disturbances of space) or small compounds. Thus they include additional charges in an electrical current in the involved "photovoltaic cell", for being connected to an electrical network containing the user equipment or an accumulator.

This phenomena is depending of the qualities of the used matters.

We know how to create waves for our needsradio, radar, telephones, various gadgets—by broadcasting in the space of our planet, some "electric discharges" through an antenna or another control device.

    1. These "discharges" are the release in the "middle" free, that is to say the air in our atmosphere, of compounds (electron) of a certain value, for their connection with the mid compounds by entanglement with the usual consequences: reduced volume of compounds and creating disturbances in space.

    2. The intricacies depend on the quality of the electrical used current, which can be modulated or "bearer" information. "

  1. They move like all other waves of space, with the same movement speed and the same "low power".

All the hertz waves that we use are created in this way. Technicians know how to transmit electrical signals corresponding to their particular needs as far as distances and loads of information are concerned, that need to be recuperated by appropriate receptors. The principle is the same for long distance communications towards satellites, for example, radar, mobile phones or gadgets that have a very short range. These disturbances and their waves are also created in special areas of light fibre.

All areas of space, free and within objects, are permanently "disturbed" by numerous waves at various frequencies, which could, individually, be independently recognised by suitable detection equipment, which is their current use for "passive radars ".

Like all other phenomena and events in Universe, disturbances of space, remote or perceived as waves, have no particular purpose in the universe, but different consequences depending on the media crossed.

They could participate in the "evaporation" of black holes observed by Stephen Hawking, and in the creation of new objects in WHIM, clouds and nebulae, increasing the frequency of electron entanglements with no need of "gravitational collapse", frequently mentioned for the creation of the stars in the nebulae.

© - April 2016

Space waves, Disturbances, Light, Pictures, Sight

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4 Les ondes  - in English
5 Sur Terre  - in English  
6 La vie   in English
7 Autres théories- in English

Énergie … Electricity


Signes Fantômes-Phantom Signs
Les limites de la physique
Le temps ?  -  pdf in english
Planck & FDC  in English
Presque boson de Higgs
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Philippe Dardel 

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1 L’Univers - in English
2 Les électrons  - in English
3 Les composés  - in English
4 Les ondes  - in English
5 Sur Terre  - in English  
6 La vie   in English
7 Autres théories- in English

Énergie … Electricity


Signes Fantômes-Phantom Signs
Les limites de la physique
Le temps ?  -  pdf in english
Planck & FDC  in English
Presque boson de Higgs
Collisionneur ILC
ILC in English
Et après ?

Philippe Dardel 

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Résumé, en français  
Summary in English

1 L’Univers - in English
2 Les électrons  - in English
3 Les composés  - in English
4 Les ondes  - in English
5 Sur Terre  - in English  
6 La vie   in English
7 Autres théories- in English

Énergie … Electricity


Signes Fantômes-Phantom Signs
Les limites de la physique
Le temps ?  -  pdf in english
Planck & FDC  in English
Presque boson de Higgs
Collisionneur ILC
ILC in English
Et après ?

Philippe Dardel 

Électronisme - Essay